Friday 14 August 2009

Aw Carrie, Miss You.

I'm missing Carrie. Fridays are not the same without the anticipation of what's to happen with Big or Burger. Don't get me wrong, I loved the film...but it's not quite the same is it?!

I read somewhere that a new film is in the pipeline- one which will see the effects of the 'Credit Crunch'. Samantha and Big are both hit by the recession and lose everything. If that happens- a little piece of me will die.

I hope to God it's bollocks!

L x


  1. I miss Carrie too.. I think I need a SATC marathon. And you're right, the movie was not the same. J-Hud was totally un-necessary.

  2. i know what you mean.

    screw the films.
